- OneRing is built for Pandora One User.It's sleek user interface is easy to use.
- Slide-Out UI support trackpad gesture.
- Interact with the App at any time by the mini Pill widget UI.The Pill widget UI give you access any time but don't need a menu bar icon.
- Station Manage.You can easily search add or remove music radio station right in the app.
- thumb up or thumb down to mark the track.you can tell the app if you like or dislike a certain track
- Global hotkey support!you can control it with keyboard when it's running at background.
- [Next Track] ⌘ ⌥ ➝
- [Thumb Up] ⌘ ⌥ ↑
- [Thumb Down] ⌘ ⌥ ↓
- [Play|Pause] ⌘ ⌥ p
- Notification Center Support.When change track in background,app will post notification.
- Music Stream Quality choice.You can choose high quality or normal quality Music Stream.
- Retina Screen Ready.
- No more 'trying to find in which tab is Pandora Site running '.
Close the safari window and your music keeps playing in the background.